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Not sure where to start?  Have a specific legal issue you want to discuss and receive legal advice and a recommended course of action?  This service is for you.  Get the answers you need without any obligation to retain our firm further. 


A 45-minute deep dive into your business & to discuss your legal concerns. After your session, you'll receive a unique report highlighting your true business problems, opportunities for brand growth, & legal recommendations for your best path toward #smartresults.


There is homework involved, so make sure to book your session at least two weeks in the future.  =



  • Once a service is purchased, our team begins the work process immediately, and we will not provide a full refund after we have begun working on your service. If we have begun your service, which occurs immediately upon payment, the most someone could receive back is the price paid minus the billable rate charged by the attorney or staff person who has already commenced service and minus any expenses or costs already incurred.  

    Once a filing has been submitted, motion/pleading/brief has been filed, or a letter has been issued, there is no refund provided to the client whatsoever. The client agrees to this understanding by submitting payment via our website and submitting their intake form to our firm for representation. There are no exceptions to this refund policy.


tmalaw is a virtual brand protection law firm.

We are a 100% remote team.

We use technologies that provide a modern law firm experience.  Learn more here.

317.550.0115  |  |  work with us


Mailing Address Only:  125 W. South Street, #547, Indianapolis, IN 46206
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Prior results do not indicate future outcomes.

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